ATuttleTime's Fabulous and Amazing Followers!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

What's NEW?!...a June Blog Hop

I am interested in hosting another blog hop in June that will challenge us to try something NEW!  How many times have you jumped into a blog hop and said, "That's so cool...I want to try that some time."  Then, weeks go by and you move onto other things...and miss out on trying a new product or technique.

Now's your chance to open that NEW download, stamps, punches, markers, or Cricut cartridge...AND check out the web for cool NEW ideas and NEW techniques!

This blog hop is to challenge us to search the FAR reaches of the web to find new techniques or products that catch your attention.  Try them out.  Blog about your experiences...GOOD OR BAD...nothing is better than a fun learning experience!

If you are interested in joining this hop, please leave a comment here along with your email address.  I will contact you with all the details.  Deadline is Saturday, MAY 21st....This should be fun.  I already have my sights on a few new products and can't WAIT to try them out for this blog hop!  Please join me!  :)


Crafty Card Gallery said...

I'd love to participate!
Craftycardgallery at gmail dot com

Lizzie Laine said...

Hi Angie
I would like to participate:)
Elainer at

Angela said...

I would love to do it,there are a couple of items I have been wanting to use but just havent gotten around to it!

Bee's hive said...

Count me in...I JUST figured out how to do print and cut with SCAL2, thanks! The last one was such fun! My hubby fell for the "Well honey I have to go do some "work" for the blog hop" I need me some craftin' time!

tlgcritter said...

I have never done a blog hop before and would really like to do this. I am a newbie craft blogger, so please count me in and please check out my blog and leave me a comment. I have been a guest blogger on the thinkcrafts blog site.

My blog:

Bunnyfreak said...

Sounds like a great motivation.
bunnyfreak at yahoo dot com